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编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-06-12 09:53    浏览次数:


英文题目:Digital Transformationin Construction: From MetaBIM to Generative Solutions

报告人:西悉尼大学 汪军 高级讲师

             Jun Wang, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer, Western Sydney University




汪军博士,现任西悉尼大学高级讲师、Digital Engineering实验室主任、博士生导师。同时,他还担任国际期刊International Journal of Construction Management副主编、澳大利亚施工计算协会主席以及W3C建筑关联数据组成员。汪军老师的主要研究方向包括:建筑信息模型(BIM)、智能建造和施工自动化。他目前已发表SCI/SSCI论文70余篇,7篇ESI高被引/热点论文,累计引用次数7500余次, H-index为39。2017年被评为BIM 全球Top10高产学者。现参与负责澳大利亚国家自然科学基金项目3项,澳大利亚科技部重大项目2项。过去曾负责制定《澳大利亚基础设施BIM应用指南》和《澳大利亚基础设施数字化资产管理指南和标准》。

Dr. Jun Wang is currently a Senior Lecturer and the Director of the Digital Engineering Laboratory at Western Sydney University, as well as a PhD supervisor. Additionally, he serves as the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Construction Management, the Chair of the Australasian Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (AAARC), and a member of the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group. Dr. Wang’s primary research areas include Building Information Modeling (BIM), intelligent construction, and construction automation. To date, he has published over 70 SCI/SSCI papers, including 7 ESI highly cited/hot papers, with more than 7500 citations and an H-index of 39. In 2017, he was recognized as one of the Top 10 most productive scholars in BIM globally. Currently, he is involved in three projects funded by the Australian Research Council and two major projects by the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Resources. In the past, he has led the development of the "Australian Infrastructure BIM Implementation Guide" and the "Australian Infrastructure Digital Asset Management Guide and Standards."



With continuous technological advancements, the construction industry is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation. This lecture will elucidate the significant roles of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) in this process. BIM technology, by creating and managing digital representations of buildings, greatly enhances project visualization, collaboration, and management capabilities. Generative AI, as an advanced technology, utilizes algorithms and machine learning to automatically generate design solutions, optimize construction schedules, and solve complex engineering problems in real-time. The integration of BIM and Generative AI will bring revolutionary changes to construction management. Through the precise data provided by BIM platforms and the intelligent analysis of Generative AI, construction projects will achieve higher levels of automation and intelligence.


下一条:【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第24场:Optimizing Structural Health Monitoring of Immersed Tunnel with Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing


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